Check the Links below to my Resources Pages full of information, FREE Videos, Workshops, Reiki Shares, MP3s, Audiobooks, Interviews and more, to support you on your life transformation.
There are heaps of free MP3s on the Client Page, and all our pages, so check through these resources and feel free to share with anyone who can benefit for Carol’s years of research and work to create these resources to help others.
If you are coming in for an appointment, here you will find your client form to download and complete, so you can simply bring it with you on your first appointment. You can also read the other material in preparation or to understand more about YOU!
There are also lots of free MP3s to listen to, to prepare you for your first session, including Hypnosis tracks to give you a head start before you walk through our doors!
Carol has created several Mini Workshops, including Manuals to download, to help you deal with different areas of your life, such as:
Each Workshop contains tips, tools and techniques to help you heal, including hypnosis, EFT, Tapping and other techniques you’ll love.
This Webpage is absolutely full to the brim with information to help you heal from major or minor health conditions, such as arthritis, cancer and more. It is full of videos, movies, books, audiobooks and more, and is a great resource that will help you see illness and disease differently and empower you to use your own healing power to overcome limiting a limiting diagnosis and open you to miracles and possibilities.
We are always here to support your healthy weight and lifestyle.
This page is full of knowledge about different kinds of hunger, emotional eating, Hypnosis tracks, a 6 week Weight Loss Plan, Healthy Weight Tips and more. Enjoy, and let me know about your success stories.
If you are ready to quit and have tried everything else, Carol is here to get you started on your journey to freedom. These Hypnosis tracks are ideal to help you kick the habit on your own, but if you need more, Carol will help you with more advanced techniques in her tailor made sessions.
Earlier this year, in her capacity of Chair for Reiki Australia, Carol interviewed several World Leader in Reiki and other healing modalities. These interviews help us to deepen our connection with Reiki, Sekhem/All Love, and get a greater understanding of how we can use these modalities for healing, to enrich our spiritual life, and as a way of life.
Carol has researched and found lots of informayion and resources to help people detox and support your recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.
When I am not available for any reason, please reach out for help by contacting the following services that best suit your circumstances – now… don’t wait.
I am here to help you – so I created this EMERGENCY contacts page for those times when I may not be contactable – so you can still get ready access to help in Australia QUICKLY!
The listing is long and comprehensive as there there are a LOT of support services available in an emergency &/or crisis situations – because you do matter!
You can also check my Drug and Alcohol Resources Page for services related to getting help in that area.
I created and update this list because I care about you, and people created these support services because they care too!
So please, Don’t go it alone – there is help, support and care for you – the evidence and help lines are listed here for you to get the help you deserve!
Please check to find the services you may need in an emergency situation or when you may urgently need support and/or advise – I will continue to add help/support service to this list regularly and there are a lot of services currently listed that may suit your situation!
It is OK to get help NOW so… You can get support to get through this. You DO matter and this crisis will pass.
Emergencies: Ambulance/Fire/Police | 000 |
Lifeline, 24 hr counselling service | 13 11 14 |
Salvation Army Care line, 24/7 counselling service | 1300 363 622 |
Suicide Call Back service | 1300 659 467 |
NSW Rape Crisis line Bravehearts – Sexual Assault Support for Children | 1800 424 017 1800 BRAVE 1 |
National Sexual Assault Domestic Violence Counselling Service (24/7 helpline): 1800 RESPECT (DV and sexual assault) | 1800 737 732 |
Men’s Line Australia | 1300 789 978 |
Kid’s Helpline | 1800 55 1800 |
Salvation Army Youth line, 24/7 counselling service | 1300 363 622 |
1300 22 4636 1800 512 348 | |
Parentline, free support for NSW parents/carers with children 0–18 yrs | 1300 1300 52 |
Domestic Violence line (freecall) Family Violence Crisis and Support Service | 1800 656 463 1800 608 122 |
Youth Emergency Accommodation Line (YEAL) | 1800 424 830 |
eSafety Website for those being bullied online, or to keep safe while online
Link2Home state wide emergency accommodation service, including refugees – 7 days a week | 1800 152 152 |
Youth Accommodation line | 1800 424 830 9698 5833 |
Indigenous Australians | 1800 727 555 |
Emergency Accommodation Helpline: 7x (24-hour ) Housing NSW | 1800 800 588 |
Beyond Blue | |
Black Dog Institute Information regarding mood disorders, such as depression and bipolar. | |
Womens Legal NSW Advice and legal information for women. | |
Reach Out Support for those experiencing difficult times who are under 25 yrs of age. | |
Headspace National youth mental health support services – talk to someone online, book an appointment or download useful support information regarding mental health issues. | |
Kidshelp Counselling support for children and teens – web, email and phone support. eSafety Website for those being bullied online, or to keep safe while online | |
Lifeline Online counselling support service. Also information on services in your area. | |
Parentline Free parenting support for parents/carers in NSW with children 0 – 18 yrs old. | |
The Inspire Foundation Combines technology with the direct involvement of young people to deliver innovative and practical online programs that prevent youth suicide and improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing. | |
SANE Australia Information and advice 9-5 weekdays. Request free Info Pack from them. | |
Somazone Website focuses on health and lifestyle issues such as mental health, drug-use, relationships and body image, with fact sheets, personal stories and advice on where to get help. | |
It’s allright SANE’s website for young people with a parent or friend affected by mental illness. | |
Twenty10 Works with and supports young people of diverse genders, sexes and sexualities, their families and friends. Located at Level 1, 45 Chippen Street, Chippendale. | 8594 9555 |
Qlife Provides free telephone counselling, web chat, information, referrals and support for LGBTI people, their families and communities. Open 5:30pm – 10:30pm every day. | 1800 184 527 |
13YARN is run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
13YARN: 13 92 76
Free and confidential service available 24/7 from any mobile or pay phone
MEDICAL ISSUES – 24 hour telehealth bookings –