What are Chakras?

What exactly are these things called Chakras?

The word “Chakra” comes from the ancient Sanskrit language. it means “Wheel” or “Disc”.
Chakras are the circular vortexes of energy that are located in seven different points along the spinal column, and all the seven main chakras in the body are connected to the various organs and glands within the body. These chakras are responsible for disturbing the life energy, which is also known as Qi, Chi, Prana or Life Force Energy. They also help us engage in the world around us.
They are the focal points of your life force energy, and their wellbeing is essential to your overall wellbeing.
All you need to do is ask yourself a simple question: If you are an energetic being with infinite potential, why do you face challenges in certain areas of your life?
The big-picture question here is this: Why do the important parts of life (like finances, career, relationships, and romance) sometimes go haywire?
The answer may be that the Chakras which controls these areas of your life are blocked, weakened, out of balance and need to be healed.
Let’s look at each Chakra in turn so that you see their influence in your life.
🌈 The 7 Chakras and Their Influence Over Your Reality
Your Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, near your tailbone. This Chakra is represented by the colour RED and governs your most primal survival instincts. When functioning properly, your Root Chakra ensures you can live comfortably and manifest the material things you need to thrive in life without struggle.
Since this Chakra serves as your foundation, you might feel detached or “scattered” when this energy center is blocked. Other symptoms could include intestinal problems, poor circulation, hypertension, aggressive behavior, insecurity, and unexplained fear.

⚖️ When your ROOT CHAKRA is Balanced:
You know your Root Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned with the following statements:
✔️ Life supports me! I feel safe in the world physically and emotionally
✔️ My financial life is stable. I have low or no debt and am able to build my retirement investments
✔️ When I want something, I can manifest it without too much trouble
✔️ I am physically healthy! I feel grounded and comfortable in my body
🚫 You know your ROOT CHAKRA is out of balance when you tend to experience the following challenges:
✖️ I feel a lot of stress around “survival” issues like money or safety
✖️ I am overweight OR I feel sluggish and tired a lot of the time (or both)
✖️ I work all the time just to have enough
✖️ I cannot stand on my own two feet right now and am dependant on someone else for my survival
Your Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. This Chakra is represented by the colour ORANGE and governs your sense of pleasure and well-being. It also rules your sexual desire and has a direct influence on your relationship with money as well.
When functioning properly, your Sacral Chakra ensures you can feel inspired and creative, engage in satisfying sexual encounters that align with your personal values, and exchange energy without being drained by others.
When this center is blocked, you could experience menstrual problems, prostate disease, IBS, dependency issues, destructive behaviors, and problems with control.
⚖️ When your SACRAL CHAKRA is Balanced:
You know your Sacral Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned with the following statements:
✔️ I have all the time and energy I need to be creative when I feel inspired
✔️ My intimate and sexual life is satisfying. I have the ability to give and receive love and pleasure with my beloved
✔️ I am comfortable in my body and enjoy movement, dance, and self-expression
✔️Change is easy for me – bring it on!
🚫 When your SACRAL CHAKRA is Out of Balance or Blocked:
✖️ You know your Sacral Chakra is out of balance when you tend to experience the following challenges:
✖️ I feel creatively blocked. Most of my energy goes to other people or boring work
✖️ I am not happy with my intimate/sexual life. I don’t enjoy or never have loving sex
✖️ I don’t like my body and do what I can to “hide” its many imperfections
✖️ Change is difficult for me
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel, in your stomach, and is represented by the colour YELLOW. This Chakra governs your self-esteem and self-worth. When functioning properly, your Solar Plexus Chakra ensures you have great self-discipline, can make quick, confident decisions and have a “sunny” disposition.
When your Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, you might experience feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, as well as diabetes, ulcers, intestinal problems, and pessimism.
⚖️ When your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is Balanced:
You know your Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned with the following statements:
✔️ I love meeting new people and inspiring them with my enthusiasm for life
✔️ I have lots of energy and have no problem getting motivated to take action
✔️ When someone tries to step over my personal boundaries it’s easy for me to kindly but firmly put them in their place
✔️ I know how to take healthy risks when it’s time for a change
🚫 When your SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is Out of Balance or Blocked:
You know your Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance when you tend to experience the following challenges:
✖️ I am really uncomfortable around new people and do not like big groups or parties
✖️ My energy tends to be low by the end of the day and people easily drain me
✖️ I have a hard time setting boundaries with others or saying “no”
feel terrified to take risks or any kind, even though I know I am missing out on opportunities
The Heart Chakra is located at the center of the chest, just above your heart and represented by the colour GREEN. This Chakra governs your inner peace and of course, your ability to give and receive love.
When functioning properly, your Heart Chakra ensures you can give and receive love in healthy, satisfying ways.
When blocked, you might experience a lack of self-control, allergies, problems with the immune system, diseases of the heart, jealousy, and difficulty opening up to others.
⚖️ When your HEART CHAKRA is Balanced.
You know your Heart Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned with the following statements:
✔️ I love and respect myself. I understand that this is not “egotistical” or “vain” and that self-love is essential for overall well-being
✔️ My emotional life is stable. Sure, there are ups and downs in life, but on a daily basis, I feel content, centered and peaceful
✔️ When I have to deal with a difficult person, I am able to find compassion for them and treat them with respect, even if they are behaving badly
✔️ I feel deep love and appreciation for the people in my life and can feel their love for me
🚫 When your HEART CHAKRA is Out of Balance or Blocked:
You know your Heart Chakra is out of balance when you tend to experience the following challenges:
✖️ I cannot look myself in the eye and say “I love you without choking up, looking away or following that with criticism
✖️ Life feels like a continual emotional roller-coaster that is not fun because I can’t seem to make it stop
✖️ I feel hate for some people in my life. They deserve revenge and I would definitely hurt them if given the opportunity
✖️ I protect my emotions and only give love to people I trust 100%
The Throat Chakra is located in the throat area (thus its name) and governs your ability for self-expression and communication. Represented by the colour BLUE, this Chakra also rules your physical health.
When functioning properly, your Throat Chakra ensures you listen to others carefully and can communicate clearly.
When blocked, you could experience respiratory problems, sore throats, thyroid problems or difficulty expressing yourself. You might also find it difficult to trust others and have difficulty making (and sticking to) decisions.
⚖️ When your THROAT CHAKRA is Balanced:
You know your Throat Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned with the following statements:
✔️ People trust me because I listen to them and then communicate with clarity from my heart
✔️ I express myself with ease and grace most of the time
It’s easy for me to ask for what I want and say “no” to requests I am not able to fulfill
✔️ I have a great sense of balance and rhythm
🚫 When your THROAT CHAKRA is Out of Balance or Blocked:
✖️ You know your Throat Chakra is out of balance when you tend to experience the following challenges:
✖️ I have a tough time putting my thoughts and feelings into words
✖️ I tend to talk a lot and have a tough time keeping secrets
I am very shy and do not like to speak up
✖️ I am terrified of public speaking
The Third Eye Chakra is located on your forehead, between and just above your eyes and is often referred to as the “Brow Chakra”. It is here that your intuitive and psychic energy resides. Represented by the colour INDIGO, this Chakra also governs your imagination, your intelligence, and your decision-making skills.
When functioning properly, your Third Eye Chakra ensures you can trust your intuition, see the “writing on the wall” and count on your intelligence to clarify complex situations.
When this Chakra is blocked, you could experience sinus problems, eye infections, headaches and an inability to focus or concentrate.
⚖️ When your THIRD EYE CHAKRA is Balanced:
You know your Third Eye Chakra is balanced when your life feels aligned with the following statements:
✔️ I trust my intuition above all else – it never fails me
✔️ I have a terrific memory
✔️ I can easily visualize the future and attract what I want with great detail
✔️ I live my life with a guiding vision of who I am and what I am here to do
🚫 When your THIRD EYE CHAKRA is Out of Balance or Blocked:
You know your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance when you tend to experience the following challenges:
✖️ I have a hard time concentrating for long periods of time
✖️ Intuition, what’s that? I feel like life just comes at me with one unexpected challenge after another
✖️ I tend to have a lot of nightmares
✖️ People say I am over-critical or cynical but I just think I have a healthy skepticism about life.
The Crown Chakra is generally considered to be violet in colour, although some traditions recognise it as white. This centre connects us to the divine unity and oneness of all that is. As we work on the energy of the crown, or reach enlightenment, we recognise other beings as an extension of ourselves. We start to look for similarities, rather than differences, and begin to treat others the way we would like to be treated, and treat ourselves the way we would treat someone we love.
Activating the crown through enlightenment is the goal of the spiritual seeker. Although it can be transient, the lessons learners can remain for a lifetime.
⚖️ When the CROWN CHAKRA IS balanced:

✔️ You feel a state of blissful union with all that is, of spiritual ecstasy, enlightenment.
✔️ You feel a connection to universal consciousness.
You have a blocked crown chakra when:
✖️You feel disconnected to spirit and are cynical regarding what is sacred.
Here is an awesome video on Chakras by Spirit Mysteries which I think you’ll enjoy: https://youtu.be/StrbppmsZJw
I hope you’ve found this information interesting! We cover lots of information about Chakras in our Reiki Workshops or you can simply book in for a Chakra Balance or Reiki treatment at carolmacrae.com.
Carol x ❤️🙏❤️