5-PATH® Hypnosis is an advanced form of Hypnotherapy, used to uncover emotional cause for the presenting problem. 5-Path stands for Five-Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis.
Some hypnotherapists and hypnotists have undergone advanced hypnosis training and certification in 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy. These hypnosis professionals are among some of the most advanced hypnotherapists with whom you can work. Training and certification in 5-PATH® Hypnotherapy allows the hypnotist to go far beyond what most hypnotists can do in a hypnosis session.
Carol trained to become a 5-PATH and 7th PATH Hypnotherapist in 2007 with Banyan Hypnosis in the US. She went on to do other training with them in things such as Spirit Releasement and Informing Souls Technique, which bring a spiritual aspect into this deep transformational work. Carol uses 5-PATH with almost all of her clients, because she says it deals with the causes, not just the symptoms, and it is thorough and usually permanent in the results it gets for her clients.
Learn more about why 5-PATH® Hypnosis professionals rave about it.
The 7th Path Self-Hypnosis
Carol also teaches 7th Path Self Hypnosis for those wishing to go the extra step to continue their journey to self empowerment. It is a Spiritual system which was influenced by Cal Banyan’s studies in A Course in Miracles.