Meridians and Emotions

The 14 Energy Meridians and Associated Emotions

Each of the 14 Energy Meridians in the body is associated with a different set of emotions. Here I have pulled all that information together, so you can see at a glance what meridian is associated with what emotion.

☯️ Central Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Feeling vulnerable, ‘lacking’. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Feeling grounded, confident and secure.

☯️ Governor Vessel Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Unable to move forward, ‘no backbone’. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: ‘Can do-ability’, have the courage to move on, overcome problems, try new things.

☯️ Stomach Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Anxiety, pessimism and extreme worry about day-to-day problems and needs. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Trust that everything will turn out OK; calm and serenity; strong belief in G-d’s goodness.

💡Questions to ask the self: Why do I worry so much? Can I trust God/the Universe?

 ☯️ Spleen Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Either too much compassion for others, and too little for the self; or too little compassion for anyone; unable to accept and internalise others’ ideas, feelings, or needs. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Compassionate and caring; fair and generous with others, but not at the expense of the self; able to assimilate and respond to ‘outside’ information.

💡Questions to ask the self: Where’s my self-compassion? What’s stopping me from caring for, and nurturing, myself? What’s stopping me from caring for and nurturing others?

☯️ Heart Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Heartache; a broken heart.

• Emotional energy when balanced: Love; seeing the good in the self and others; calm, feeling ‘at peace’, ‘at home’.

💡Questions to ask the self: Why don’t I feel joyful? What’s breaking, or has broken, my heart? Why can’t I see the good in myself? What’s stopping me from seeing the good in others? 

☯️ Small Intestine Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Pulled all over the place; confusion; unable to make decisions. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Can act decisively; knows what they want.

💡Questions to ask the self: Why can’t I make up my mind? Why do I feel pulled all over the place? Why can’t I trust myself, and my own opinions and decisions?

☯️ Bladder Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Fearful of the outside world, despairing, pessimistic, depressed.

• Emotional energy when balanced: Strong, optimistic, trusting, courageous. I can make a new start.

💡 Questions to ask the self: Why do I feel hopeless? Why do I feel so despairing? What’s stopping me from making a new start? Why do I feel I can’t trust God/the Universe?

☯️ Kidney Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Loneliness, ashamed of the self, traumatised, ‘frozen’.

• Emotional energy when balanced: Deep acceptance of the self, strong, healthy connections to others. Hopeful.

💡Questions to ask the self: What am I afraid of? Why do I feel ashamed, or not good enough?

☯️ Circulation-Sex Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Frustrated by ‘overchoice’, too many demands; ignores their own deepest emotional needs. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Has healthy priorities; recognises and responds to their emotional needs. Is willing to commit.

💡Questions to ask the self: Am I committed to the right things? Am I committed to the right people? Can I admit what I’m really feeling? Can I recognise what I really want? Why not?

☯️ Triple Warmer Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Heavy-duty stress; the ‘fight / flight / freeze’ response. The energetic home of our evil inclination, its main emotion is primal fear. Nothing can kill our joy as fast and as effectively as a rampaging Triple Warmer. Panic, hysteria. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Feeling safe and secure; trusts God’s/the Universe’s goodness.

💡Questions to ask the self: What overwhelms me? What makes me feel threatened? What presses my buttons, so I lose control or explode?

☯️ Gallbladder Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Anger at others, rage, very judgemental and critical. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Kind, merciful, tolerant and forgiving.

💡Questions to ask the self: Why am I angry? Who or what am I angry at? Who can’t I forgive? What grudges am I still holding on to? Who or what do I resent?

☯️ Liver Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: ‘Beating ourselves up’; hyper-critical of, and angry at, the self; guilt feelings. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Positive feelings about the self, self-kindness and acceptance.

💡Questions to ask the self: Why am I so hard on myself? Why don’t I like myself? What is it about me that I can’t I accept, like or love?

☯️ Lung Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Profound sadness and grief; yearning for the good that hasn’t materialised, or got taken away; unwillingness to get emotionally-involved with others; aloof; unable to progress past massive disappointment. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Emuna; renewal, excitement, an ability to let go and move on. Strong desire, ratzon.

💡Questions to ask the self: Who or what do I miss? Who or what am I grieving for? What am I yearning for in my life, that I feel I need or want? What’s keeping me stuck in the past?

☯️ Large Intestine Meridian

• Emotional energy when unbalanced: Control-freak; a need to be in control, even when it’s damaging the self and others; feelings of emptiness. 

• Emotional energy when balanced: Surrenders control; can let go out outmoded, unneeded, or toxic things; inspired; strong relationship with GB.

💡Questions to ask the self: Why am I trying to keep control? What am I trying to control? Can I accept God/the Universe is running the world? Can I accept the joy and the pain?