What is Good Health

When we think of good health, people often think of it as the absence of disease, but health is more than that! Some of us have been so tired and lethargic for so long, that sometimes, after a while we begin to see this state as normal. Good health therefore, should not only be the absence of disease, but also having energy and vitality to do what we want to do in life with ease.

We are born with a set amount of energy, which diminishes as we get older. This life-force energy, throughout our lives, can be influenced by the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the exercises we do, and the level of stress we live with each day.

Carolyn Myss explains it this way: Imagine that each morning when you wake up you have $100 worth of energy, and throughout the day you use this energy not only for the physical uses, but every time someone calls on you to help them with a problem, every time you feel stressed or worried, you put out some of that energy, e.g. $20 worth. So if at the end of each day you have given out more that your $100 worth of energy, you will go into a negative energy balance, an energy debt. When you’re constantly putting out more than you have, eventually the mind and body suffer, not only in the obvious ways, of feeling tired all the time, but when the body is in energy dept for an extended period, changes start to happen, the body starts to break down, we are constantly run down, diseases develop and the aging process starts to speed up. We’ve all heard of the stories of someone having a huge shock and going grey overnight. This is simply because of the energy dept that occurs due to that shock.

It is therefore obvious, apart from the generalised notions and guidelines about health that we’ve heard form every expert on the planet, that we should also be looking at all these aspects to not only prevent the energy debt, but also reverse the effects.