Healing is about wholeness- balancing body, mind and soul. When we are moving in alignment with our soul, we are able to maintain good health, happiness and wholeness.
When we have mental/emotional issues in our lives that cause us stress an anxiety, this often leads to a block in the flow of the energy in our Aura or energy field. There are several methods we can use to increase the flow of energy into this field, bringing about a state of balance, which then allows the energy to flow unrestricted, therefore allowing the body to speed up it’s healing process and return the person back to health. Some of these include Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi and Chi Kung (Qiging) to name but a few.
We can also address the mental/emotional issues head-on, knowing that once we heal the mental-emotional cause, the illness often disappears altogether.
Some of the tools we can use to bring back the balance between body and mind are:
I sometimes use worksheets with my clients to help them move through their sticking points to a place where they can see that:
Please click on the items below to download some tools to assist in the healing process. Feel free to share them with friends or loved ones. To download files right click and save to your hard drive.
I also recommend that you follow the links on my links page and read the books from those websites, or purchase the DVDs.
Spiritual counselling is available to help clients understand that there is a spiritual solution to every problem. Clients can also be taught how to meditate and reduce their stress.