
Carol Shares Her Insights and Wisdom

Carol has an extensive history full of insights and wisdom, which she shares with you. Her intention is that her stories will open your mind to new possibilities and in so doing, help you to understand that anything is possible. She feels that if one person can do something, we can all do it!

With this attitude, everything becomes our teacher. If we come with a beginners mind, we can learn, grow and heal. This is her wish for you.

Anti-inflammation Diet

What is an anti-inflammatory diet? Inflammation is at the root of almost every chronic health condition and autoimmune disease. The list of symptoms includes weight

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Coeliac Disease and Hypnosis

How it Works Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition where the consumption of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine, causing symptoms such as

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Managing Anxiety

8 Steps for Dealing with Anxiety Anxiety is a common mental health issue that affects millions of people around the world. It can cause feelings

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Your Daily Reiki Practice

25 Benefits of Daily Reiki Practice As Reiki Practitioners, we are often very good at giving to others, but neglect our own self-care. Here are

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Yin and Yang

Many years ago I taught Tai Chi for 10 years. Tai Chi is more than exercise, it is a way of life. Yin and Yang

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Meridians and Emotions

The 14 Energy Meridians and Associated Emotions Each of the 14 Energy Meridians in the body is associated with a different set of emotions. Here

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